Originally posted on 07/30/2012:

it's not fun by day 3, but yah it offers everyone some clarity on the purpose of life. Believe it or not, sex still factors in lol. Before day 3, convo usually comes up about what chick we wish would have done and shit like that. Brothers start bragging about the chicks they've bagged and we all try to one up each other, which will cue my threesome story, which was highly highly overrated--though I'd never let them know.

The point is we live in a different world, but we are the same people. The only thing that has changed is the environment. I guarantee that if you were to join one of my wilderness excursions, you would be surprised at how fast your point of view and understanding of what's what changes to suit your environment. We call it surviving, but our ancestors called it living. The people that you mentioned would never have a prayer of getting to that physical state if things were to play out as they originally intended. The reason so many people today die of horrible things is because they're able to live long enough for them to occur. We don't have to go all that far back in history to periods when an average person's life expectancy is nearly half of what many people experience today. Things have only become very complicated because humans have become so efficient at carrying out the purpose of life.