Originally posted on 07/29/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post
Focusing on punishing the rich and businesses is not the answer. We need them to invest. They are the answer to reviving the economy. The more you take from them the less they invest.
First, I disagree with Obama. I think the tax rate should go up for EVERYONE, including myself and trust me I don't clear 250K a year. Second, I don't see raising taxes a few % on people as PUNISHMENT I see it as paying for the shit we wanted. We wanted (by a majority) two wars and the Bush tax cuts. As well as an "out of the blue refund." After Bush took office I got a check for $600 or $1200 (can't remember) and I thought "what the heck? We're in debt shouldn't this be used to pay down the debt?" I cashed the check, probably should have sent it back. I certainly didn't NEED it. Shit like that and the wars costs money... a lot of money. To pretend now that the reason we're in debt is due to a bunch of lazy people living the high life off welfare is just complete and utter bull shit. Third, to think that people will stop investing because their tax rate went from 35% to 39% is just nonsense. People with money will always be looking for a way to make money with their money. As I stated above if a few folks want to stuff their cash in their mattresses and make 0% on it then let them. I'll bet the number of people who choose that option will be nil. The tax rate on the top earners used to be well over 50% and we seemed to survive just fine, prospered even.

People bitch that Obama ran up trillions of dollars in debt. A lot of that, probably a majority of that, was the cost of two wars we borrowed money to fight. The check's come due and it's time for our generation to step up and pay for what we spent.

It's time to stop pretending we're so put out by having to cough up a few bucks to right our financial ship. Shit the generation before me fought and won WWII by cutting back, dealing with rations, and working 6 12 hours a shifts a week.. if they were lucky. The people who gave the most found themselves being shot at day and night by the Japanese or the Germans in towns they couldn't pronounce in places they never heard of before. Surely we can give up a few dinners out or take the bus instead of diving while we get our shit back in order.