Originally posted on 07/24/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by Thor4140 View Post
Opie, why do u mental midgets always think people are on welfare or unemployment because they disagree with your opinion? Does it make you feel better to say that even tho it couldn't be farther from the truth? Maybe guys like me can't stand hypocrites and liars as well as racist so i get a little teed off from time to time. Opie, do you think Republicans are the only people who work? I see the bank loan was a gamble lol. Without the help of a bank loan u don't do shit. You see why most reasonable people think you are a clown when you say stuff like that? A gamble lmfao. Ya received help you dik head so admit it. Just like your student loan. What Obama said was correct but since u are to naive to know you are being played by the twisting of words, just so u can hate the black man even more,there is nothing more to prove.

You are clearly an uneducated simpleton. There's simply no other way to explain your bitterness toward people who disagree that guys like yourself shouldn't get help from guys like me. If you consider taking a loan out to build a house, paying the interest that was agreed upon by both parties, and then paying off the loan in full by the time stipulated in the terms......as "help", then I guess you're right. Unlike yourself, I didn't stop paying my note because I decided after the fact the interest I was being charged was excessive. I made a deal, stuck to the terms, lived within my means, and paid it off.

I could care less what fukkin color Obama is. He is so far over his head at his current job that he doesn't know which way is up. You clearly like his message of the hardest working people having to share their spoils with those like yourself. I do not. If you want more. then go work for it. This is America.

(P.S. Learn how to type like a fukkin grown-up. I love how you claim to have owned your own business and be a successful guy. Funny thing is.....I've never known one successful business person who types things like "ur" and "cuz" and "y r u so mean" )