Originally posted on 07/09/2012:

man, if we can get paid to just post here, life would be great. i mean, you don't have to leave your house, you work from home, no driving, no traffic to get to work. no gas money, no bus travel time, you wouldn't even need to spend money on clothes. in fact, you can even work naked if you want and hell, if you even want, (not that i suggest this).. but you don't even need to shower if you don't want. Talk about a dream job.

Where do we sign up to become paid posters? I am sure if we asked SBR for a salary, they'd tell us to go fukk ourselves. These SBR guys are cheap bastards. The conversation would go something like this.. Hey sbr john, i hear we can get paid to post, can i get paid by you? hey nicky, go fukk youself.. no problem, john. thanks anyways. that sbr john is a cheap bastard.

btw, smart move by him. why pay someone to post if you know they'll do it for free anywys? johnny knows we are sick and we'll post anywys. it's a fukkin ADDICTION this posting. would you pay a chain smoker to smoke??