Originally posted on 06/30/2012:

Ok, normally I'm an Opie1988 fan but I feel the need to step in here on behalf of SBRchris.

Opie1988 has completely and continually emascualted SBRchris almost on a daily basis for the last month. It's gotten bad enough that I'm currently working with SBRJOHN behind the scenes to implement a "TAP" feature button for SBRchris to utilize during the tiffs with OPIE.

SBRJOHN agreed and even told me in confidence that this is actually getting embarrasing for SBR and something has to be done. But he also emphasized that OPIE won't be leaving. So, I"m not sure what that means, but we could possibly be seeing SBRchris "tapping" out more frequently or the return of Dax.

So SBRchris, it's time you actually show a little fight and declare war on OPIE. Show you have some power and balls and ban his ass for 24 hours to show him some of your arsenal.

Otherwise, just hit the tap button feature. Chris, it's time to nut up or validate OPIE's emasculation of you.

Balls in your court pal.... or your mouth, your choice.