Millions of Americans forced out of their homes by the housing crash are now finding themselves renters.
Of course, it's convenient that the same Wall Street criminals that caused the economic collapse in the first place now hold the keys as your new landlord.............

Push up house prices. Make loans easy to get. Kill economy. Kill Jobs. People can't pay mortgages. Houses foreclosed. House prices tank, worth a fraction of what they were. Rich buy them, pennies on the dollar. Rent the houses to people that can't now get a mortgage. Charge same rent as they were paying before. Now you own property that others used to own and are now paying you for.That was the whole idea. Think about. The rich get richer.the middle class ceases to exist joining the ranks of the in impoverished..

Stop paying your mortgage now people,worse that will happen is you'll lose it but that is inevitable when you lose your job to cheaper labor/out sourcing.............