Originally posted on 04/16/2012:

dont worry soon obama will be out of office and it will be the END OF SOCIALISM in America!

Romney will come in and SLASH taxes for all of these rich people, and then they will NO LONGER BE paying less than they should.

Once again, cutting taxes is the solution to this problem, and the libtards and obamabot socialists just DO NOT GET IT - if you slash taxes on the rich, then you solve the problem of the rich dodging taxes! In fact, if you cut the tax rate on the rich down to zero, then the amount of taxes rich people would be avoiding paying WOULD BE ZERO! PROBLEM SOLVED!! But once again, simple COMMON SENSE that libtards do not possess as a result of going to elitist ivy league colleges, and they would rather CONTINUE COMPLAINING about rich people not paying taxes than SOLVE THE PROBLEM in the simple way I have just outlined