Originally posted on 03/31/2012:

It's not sexual tension, Cougar. The schism between the people who come here to be genuine and truly social versus those who come here to escape a shitty existence and play make-believe like children is widening daily. I'd like to blame economics and how so many people are struggling to make ends meet, but I think parenting plays a bigger part.

More and more people are becoming adults without ever really growing up, and that's the true origin of all these clowns who come here craving anything but real life. Obviously I can't speak for everyone in the realism camp but, while I find my life challenging, I rarely if ever feel I need to escape or run away from it. That's why I find the storytelling and bullshit from the other group so maddening, because I outgrew it years ago. If something is troubling me, I want to share it with other adults and commiserate or solicit advice, not pretend that my life doesn't have ups and downs to begin with.

How does pretending to live a completely different life help some of you clowns fix your problems? It doesn't, it just leads you further away from the solutions.