Okay well figured I'd keep you guys updated with my progress, I've gotten back to Jan 10th so my results from jan 10th to feb 12th are still on the upside, but not quite as good, (obviously 14-1 is pretty hard to beat)... so here are my results so far.

Still the best ratio is games with >63% played over 2800 total points and 10 of line movement on the VIG, but I think I'll probably be playing a single bet on a movement on 5 and doubling down on games with 10 or more of movement. Really the 30-6 probably doesn't do it justice, I could submit many games that had 6-9 points of movement on the VIG and there were quite a few, probably at least 5.

Anyways as you can see by the attached spreadsheet the results are still pretty good...

With that said, think I'm only going take a single bet on the Phoenix game tonight cause it's only at 63%. I'm going to keep track of my record for the hockey games starting tonight. (probably only going to be playing them from now on).