Dear Baskets: I came out of the woodwork, and decided to post again because I feel for you, and I will give you real advice. All these posts by these idiots saying you did something wrong is insane and

First off, i am sick of when i woman cheats, she gets a free pass, cause you didnt cater to her emotions, but when a man does it, your a scumbag. Like we don't have goddamn emotions too?! I am going to say don't cheat. Not because you don't deserve sex like any other man, it's because if you are caught, you are screwed and she will get everything.

I have been married for 5 years exactly too, and I have many friends in the same position, and I also went thru this with an ex fiancee.


The problem is her selfishness, and your inability to step up and stop this madness.

When everything was all good BEFORE marriage, it's because that's what women do to lock up the security. Bla bla bla when it all comes down to it SECURITY, a house, money, is the number 1 priority in looking for a man when women get married, not because your her soul mate. Women will choose security over soul mate for life 99% of the time.

What happened is after she got bored, and did the "me" thing on her wedding day, and got to play house, she is bored. She lost weight for HER, not to please you. She is flaunting herself like a whore because she is ALREADY CHEATING. NO WIFE or women that LOVES YOU would IGNORE you for weeks, or treat you like garbage and IGNORE your feelings and NEEDS AS A HUSBAND. If you COMPLETELY DISRESPECTS you like this, then she is more than willing to cheat. You are NOT getting sex not because she is mad at you, or you gained weight, its because she is sleeping with someone else. All she is doing now is deciding wheather to keep you and the house and play with her boyfriends, or leave you and have to find a way to take care of herself. WOMEN have needs too, especially women near their 30s, their sex drive is like ours at 15, THEY NEED IT and want it. And if she won't sleep with you because of this childish bs, it's obvious she is sleeping with someone else.


1. Install keylogger/internet password tracker on your computer.
2. Obtain her email and facebook passwords
3. Read all her facebooks msgs, emails, etc..
4. Try to get a look at her phone, if she constantly deletes recent msgs, BAMN obvious cheating THERE IS NO OTHER REASON TOO
5. Once you find the evidence she is CHEATING, DO NOT CONFRONT HER, get a lawyer, build your case, and quietly secure your finances, get the house in your parents name, move your bank account cash safely, etc...
6. Once everything is secure, tell her in the living room, but set up a hidden camera to record the audio and video
7. Confront her about the cheating and evidence, where she cant deny, then she will admit everything on camera, but when she tries to lie later to lawyers and judge BAMN you have video evidence
8. Kick her ass out
9. Go to the gym, work out hard, get confidence back
10. Live your life, dont ever marry again

IT IS SO IMPORTANT YOU UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Do NOT do anything stupid like make her dinner, rub her feet, tell her your sorry. SHE IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE DOING ALL THIS. Just because you went to her mom for help, that should show her you care and want to make it work, she just used it as another tool to manipulate her. SHE DOES NOT LOVE YOU. NO WOMEN THAT DOES THIS TO HER HUSBAND LOVES HIM.

WAKE UP. Secure the evidence, and move on with your life. If you continue to make excuses for her, and let her run your life, and beat you down into nothing, then maybe everyone here is right. But I think you are just a loving man, that wants his wife to love him, and you want to be loved and you don't understand why she is starving you of this. No wife that loves her husband would ignore him, guilt trip him, spend all her time online flaunting herself to others, and I promise you, the lack of physical attention is because she is cheating. Wake up buddy. Do my 10 steps. Good luck