Buddy, you emailed them trying to board the train. Don't claim the high ground from the middle of the river.

We get it, intellects as advanced as yours cannot be bothered to try and get help in areas where we feel like others can do better, or even just have the requisite time and experience to be able to gain an edge. For the rest of us peasants, we'll continue to flounder in our folly. If we could pick winners, we'd be doing it. It's human to reach out for help with things we lack strength in. Ever heard of consulting services? Bad and good ones there too.

Expectations is the problem, not handicapping. Even 58% over the long-term is a pipe dream. It's a game of pennies and inches and advantages that are very small. Money management is often more important then the picks themselves. But you know this, and so do I.

Let's wish everyone luck, congratuale them on finding someone who got them maybe one winner more hten they would have been able to choose themselves (FOR FREE), and move forward, shall we?

I wish you success as well bettowin, whatever it is that's working for you.