Man I swear people in this country are brain stems when it comes to giving freely to downright putrid and rotten to the inner core charities that take 99% of their procedes and have fun with them.They are running a warning ad on tv about giving to one of the major animal protection agencies saying that only 1 % of the procedes go to their intended use.They go on to say that it's better to give to your local animal shelter where you can monitor what takes place.

Fraudulent charities that keep 99% of the money for Vegas fun trips make up names similar to other well respected charities that only keep 50% of their donations for Vegas fun trips for their administrators.They operate on the concept that unsuspecting brainstem rubes will get duped and confused by the similar name.Anyone try to find what their credit or DC balance is where you can't read the tiny writing on the back of your card where you make a mistake on one digit?Every 900 girlie sex mafia run company in the world acquires the phone numbers one digit away from contacting the intended banks.

So right on this very forum you have hundreds of people groveling for acquiring sh%t jobs such as scooping up monkey turds at Florida interstate tourist traps that sell pecan logs to snowbirds.Why not just set up even a worthy charity where you give 90% of the procedes toward their intended cause and keep the other 10% for your personal living expenses as the administor of the charity?It sure as hell beats grunt work to make a living.Hell,start anything like a foundation to send high school and Pop Warner football players who can't play football anymore who had concussions to alternate sports training schools to take up less stressfull sports like golf and bowling.