He should have taken the Pat Summit route and said he had Alzhemers awhile back and quit where he would have been given a free pass on knowing about this scandal.I indeed do think he has Alzheimers as it is but it's too late to say that because they wanted to make him look in charge of things the last few years.I always said I saw coloring books and crayons on his clipboard and could hear Sponge Bob music over his headphones.

As for frickin twangy Pat Summitt,she overreacted to having Alzheimers.She runs around screaming ''twanging''at nappy headed hoes everyday and never shuts her pie hole.The woman has 20 things on her mind she's multi tasking screaming about.Da,everyone over 50 forgets stuff when they have 20 things on their mind.She had to abuse her lucrative health benefit package she really didn't earn because the program is not self sufficient.So she goes to the Mayo Clinic and of course they are going to find little quirks in her memory.If the woman lived in the real world with a crappy medical insurance plan or had no insurance at all, she would have lived to be 95 still acting as obnoxious as she was when she was 35 twanging about her nappy headed hoes not knowing the plays.