Originally posted on 10/26/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by crustyme View Post
this mooseclown is an admitted liar, scammer, forger and a fraud.

while posting as kerrywoodwins20, he claimed he was currently in law school. yet while posting as this ghost, he claimed he was trying to get in to law school.


assuming his first lie is true, what law student has the time to post 24/7/365 on a forum, racking up 1617 posts in just a month's time? and what law student has the funds to risk $3000-5000 per game when law school tuition can easily exceed $150,000?????

they don't.

which is no surprise that this clown was caught forging a $5000 ticket while trying to impress people he doesn't even know:


but the fact is, he's a broke loser who borrows pts and stiffs like the broke fraud that he is:


nothing this scammer/fraud posts can ever be taken seriously, he's an admitted pathological liar with no credibility whatsoever.