I drove down a local highway to get to a country route today. On the way, every 1/4 mile or so there were a ton of billboards. Visual pollution...makes one want to pluck out their eyes or drive ten miles out of their way to avoid.

That is what SBR forums have become. Visual pollution. Way to many non-pros making lock threads or talking about subjects that are akin to mental tampons. The only use of them is to soak up the blood from the aneurysms one gets from reading them.

SBR Pros help support this site more than the non pro cancers who dont pony up and cause a majority of this pollution.

Until SBR pro's get their own subforum where only they can post and reply: SBR to me will be good for two things.

1. Troll to get a laugh...picks are silly here.
2. The occasional alert on a sportsbook going bad.

Thats it....I get points whether I post or not....time to troll til then...