After waking up this morning, I think that there is a bigger agenda being spruced up here through the media. Does anyone remember the MSNBC Republican debate when Rick Perry was asked about the death penalty out of the blue? It had nothing to do with the other issues asked about. Now we see major news coverage, with misconstrued facts, about a guy on death row taking major coverage away from a white man heinously killing a black guy in Texas, and getting the death penalty the same night as Davis did. Watch the news for the next month. Ricky Perry will be asked at least half a dozen times about the death penalty or this case in general.

If Perry gets the nomination, I see the Democratic party fabricating this as an issue to divert people with strong feelings against the death penalty. I would not be shocked to see ad after ad of Perry soundbites, making him look like out out of control, cowboy like, killer. Wouldn't be surprised to hear something like, "We don't need another cowboy in the White House." This looks like a way of getting people to vote with their emotions again, like they did in 2008, instead of on Obama's record, which should be the main issue.