Originally posted on 09/12/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by Raven66 View Post
They were no ppl on the planes.....it was all cargo....it was a setup for you American ***** to create war and steal the oil.
Quote Originally Posted by rsnnh12 View Post
Dumbest post of the year. Yea, no one was on the planes... that's why so many people never saw their friends and loved ones again, right? I know 3 people who were on those flights... I can assure you that they are not alive.
Give it up man, you wasting your breath on these stupid uneducated assholes! Let them go on jack'in off in their moms basement and living in a fantasy world, because they will never get it. The bottom line is, radical islamic muslims failed to accomplish anything except make us a more diligent and stronger America. They can pray for some phony deliverance from a fake dick sucking allah all they want and never even come close to the freedoms we have. Let the brainwashed ass carpet sniffers chant all they want, they are defeated, and a pig covered in shit has more intelligence and reverence. Like I stated earlier, a coward muslim dies a single worthless life, A Brave Free American lives forever. Honorable citizens will never forget every brave American on 9-11 and those who served in iraq and afghanistan.