SBR was far better before the points. I made a lot more off their contests, which were far richer, then what these points are worth.

SBR is now a super agent. They hook you in through the points, and sign you up through contests as BTP. Once you're signed up with yet another book you don't need they get a cut of your lifetime losses there. And don't forget the avalanche of notices when your 'PRO' status is about to expire. It's more important to them to check if I might have another book I could sign up with, through them, then to understand that one of their socalled 'SBR founders' already has accounts with all those books. Even if they already checked this in the past, they never get tired of rechecking. Some of the books they suggest you put your money in (just 200 bucks, but that could grow fast) aren't even that solid. The old watchdog has become very greedy indeed. Borderline irresponsible towards players.