Quote Originally Posted by subs View Post

not saying the rioters r right - just saying that without police brutality there would be no riot.

Subs this is the dumbest thing you've ever written here.

For one, there are riots all the time that aren't sparked by police brutality (or anything in particular other than durndelism). Case in point, Milwaukee a few days ago....


Secondly, if you're going to say that without police brutality there would be no riots, well then you might as well say "without marauding gangs of n1ggers there'd be no KKK."

Don't you remember that two wrongs don't make a right?

The police shooting some random dude (who is a well known criminal) is not an excuse to trash an entire city---just like a few black guys stealing shit and raping some white women isn't an excuse to lynch every colored brother in town. The dregs are just using this event as an excuse to plunder whatever they can. And fools like you who indulge their bullshit and forgive them for it just embolden them to keep doing it time and time again.

There's a reason you don't see white folks rioting all over the damn place anytime something enraging/shady goes down. It's because white folks (or Asians for that matter) won't stand for that shit. They respect people's grief/suffering, but they also respect other people's property. They respect their fellow man enough to not let their own personal problems trump the freedoms of others. And when bitches cross the line, they get put back in place by a society that upholds the common decency of their culture.

Black culture has no such common decency. They don't respect one another, they don't respect the laws, and they sure as shit don't respect anybody else in society. And why? Because they have no self-respect. And why? Because they've been taught by pussy ass liberals that they don't need to take care of themselves, that their liberal caretakers will. And no man will ever develop self-respect without figuring out how to provide for himself and his family. It is the defining trait of adulthood. Without such knowledge you are powerless to control your destiny and forever at the whims of someone else's decisions, which means you will never truly be free. And that is why the black man riots. He riots because he is still enslaved, having never known freedom and thus never having been equal. As long as liberal "we must save the black man from himself" bullshit exists the black man will never be able to see himself level with the whiteman, and that subjugation will occasionally result in their rioting/looting the way a teenager rebels against his parents.