You can't think too hard on things like this because it will just blow your mind. I watched the Discovery Channel last night for several hours where Hawking was talking about everything and they also had a few other shows on after that all revolved around how the universe was created and what all these PhD guys think about it all.

The evidence they have for the big bang is pretty solid, and they say the big bang came from nothing and that the universe was without time and space then all of a sudden BOOM, it came into existence. I know we as humans cannot understand how something can just come from nothing, but they actually talked about how something coming from nothing does not violate our known laws. They explained that in particle physics or something like that, small particles will just disappear and appear out of no where so it does actually happen in nature.

You would think that something has to be responsible though for "programming" how everything interacts in our universe. Just like a software program, someone had to code all the rules like how gravity/stars/atoms interact with each other and what they can do. Personally, that is what I believe, that someone/something essentially wrote the code for all the rules on what objects/forces can do and their limitations. Then after the code was all written, it was executed to see what would happen and the execution event was the big bang. I don't think human creation or anything after the big bang was specifically designed to happen, the only thing designed to happen was the big bang and everything else was just the code/program playing itself out. If there really was some kind of god that specifically created us on purpose, he would have placed us on this planet instead of dinosaurs for hundreds of millions of years. We are just lucky that our planet was created with the perfect conditions conducive to life and to have evolved from smart monkeys into what we are now.

But lets say something we'll call God coded our universe and executed the big bang.....then how did this God come into being and what created it? Eventually you would reach a point in the genealogy tree where something came from nothing. It can blow your mind thinking about this kind of stuff, but the sad thing is we'll never know the ultimate answer.