Quote Originally Posted by God1 View Post
I understand there is zero value on the blue jays tonight and your bet will be over by the 3rd inning

"god" is actually dumber than i pictured him. What a joke this clown is, go read another book or go back to the think tank so you can come out here and tell everyone how smart you are while never picking a fukkin winner......

if anyone hasnt figured it out yet, whenever this douche doesnt agree with you you should probably double up your bet, or as ive learned if he likes a play you are on prob better to pass or fade yourself. The problem with this pretentious sabergeek is he doesnt have a creative bone in his weak body.

How many more games you gotta be wrong on before you change your tag again?
L&M/ clairvoyance/God1, always trying to tell someone their bet is trash because some formula that everyone knows btw is the law while saying everything else is already factored into the line, Jr college kids crack me the fukk up, they read one book and think they know everything.

Next time at least pick a tag that makes you seem like a little less of a coward....

i have a formula for your sorry ass. x (x represents your metrics) +y (your limited grasp of markets) -f (you being a fukkhead)= you have never posted a fukkin winner, not all your fault because i know you rarely win, except your mysterious totals you have never had the nuts to post, wonder why