So let me expound a little further. I don't even watch his show, but any show in which people are entrapped rubs me the wrong way, I feel that the show is just as immoral as who it's trying to portray.

Now... I make a clear distinction between children and teenagers. If there is a guy here who did not want to fukk Britney or Christina when they
came out, or half of the young hot
celebrities in TV and movies (who are
teenagers whether you realize it or not) you're a bigger man than me. It bugs the crap out of me when that is lumped in with being a "pedophile". Now prepubescent is another deal. Those ARE children. So if he was concentrating on guys who prey on kids, it's a different story, but that's not what I was led to believe.

Turn on the CW network and find me a girl you don't want to bang. All teenagers. If that's pedophilia, 99% of men are pedophiles.