At what point is it crossing a line?

A reporter investigating the money trail of suspected terrorist is killed and it’s funny to mockingly post his pic like you will be chillin’ with the corpse.

A blimp pilot heroically saves the lives of three individuals plus who knows how many others by attempting to get out of the area and then dies in the process but it’ll be funny to draw a comparison between thinking Deuce is really a fat guy and a blimp exploding.

The argument to defend these things is “don’t be such a sensitive little bitch, shit happens, get over it” right? Well yeah shit does happen and true life can be taken too serious at times. I don’t support censorship by in large but I do support human decency.

It doesn’t make you a weak person to realize that not everything should be made fun of. It doesn’t make a person soft because they show an ounce of compassion for those who may not find certain things funny. I don’t think people that first ask themselves, “what if this tragedy happened to someone close to me” are being overly guarded.

It’s sad that so many are so willing to assume “it’s just the internet” or “it’s just words” that it don’t matter.