I'm not a newbie to a sports betting and tried all the possible ways, strategies and tactics to create a steady monthly income so I could quit the job I hate and focus on what I love the most: my family and sports.
I know of few possible ways a person can successfully and profitably bet on sports - but, none would last if you don't manage your money right. That is the first must!
1. Money Management
This is really a single most important thing you can't do without unless you're only a recreational sports bettor. You have to have money to make money. No doubt about it. That money can't be the "last money" you have. You should regard it as an investment money. Stocks and commodities, currencies and any other trade able assets are as good as sports investment because it all gamble. Not with what I do thou. I do not gamble. Not even a bit. I do not base my money management strategy on imagining myself that I know the outcome of the games before they even began. No. I base my money management strategy on "chart analysis" taking a long running systems as the fundamental cornerstones.

...To be continued soon...