congrats to all the full game and 2nd half pats backers
and to all on the chiefs, you must keep your eyes on my picks.
Just please stop thinking for yourself and treat this like a business for a change.
If you have no strategy or set way of doing your selections than you can never be consistent.
It was too obvious tonight which team the books wanted you to play. Start your capping from that angle and look at the other factors. I am not saying this is my strategy because it is not but for novice or losing bettors it is a great way to stay safe. I will be on the side the bookies need less money on. Tonight for example the books needed more money on the chiefs side obviously. They opened it at a crappy number and that was easy to see if you looked at the factors surrounding this game. Books or oddsmakers do make mistakes from time to time and tonight was a great example. Good luck and happy thanksgiving to all