I am your HOST of this THREAD. My name is GUY, official MAYOR or FLAVOURTOWN.

It has been reported that the OCEANIC TIDES around New Orleans has released an unprecedented CHEMICAL REACTION with a special batch of SEA CREATURES in THE OCEAN. This has caused the fish to carry special PROTANIC PROPERTIES. (TITANIC PROTEIN STRUCTURES).

ORIGINALLY this fish only carries the STRAIN for as long as the OCEANIC TIDE SHIFT lasts. (30-45 minutes BETWEEN 3AM-4AM) There is reported to be only one casted CATCH by a local VIETNAMESE FISHERMAN just off the EASTERN HARBOUR. HARVARD SCIENTISTS have EXCLAIMED that this CHEMICAL CHANGE in the fish will cause negative effects to the human body. A secret source revealed the then PRIVATE BUYER to be DONALD STERLING. Sources have informed us that DONALD tried to feed this fish through one of his invested venues, and subsequently the LA Clippers hotel in New Orleans.

The players ate the fish and have seemingly increased energy and strength, further NEGATING the HARVARD SCIENTISTS, and proving FLAVORTOWN SCIENTISTS to be right once again. DUE to the positive changes and increase of energy there looks to be a high scoring affair:

OVER 215.5