MLB Best Bets

You may join at any point. Simply post your best bet for the day and you will be added.

The Rules:
- Each user may post one pick each day.
- Each bet will be to win $100 on - lines and risking $100 on + lines.
- You may make any bet that is listed on SBRodds.
- Books allowed: All books on SBRodds
- Chalk Limit of -180

Picks MUST include the following or they will not be counted:
- Pick
- Spread
- Price
- Book

I will post the updated records before noon the next day.

New Rule for Newcomers:
If you are new to this thread you must pay 15 points to join and have your bets tracked. I have had far too many users post a bet or two and leave after losing two in a row. I don't mind taking my time to do this, but don't waste my time just trying to get lucky. A 15-point investment will prove you are serious about joining this thread. I'm sorry that it has had to come to this.

I'm attaching the rankings as a PDF from now on as it makes things easier.

NOTE: AzNDooM will be listing the thread till end of season as pre-approval has been authorised by william22. I will be sharing the load till he has more time from his college studies.