Big money is an addiction. You have to get more and more. If you've got 100M in the bank you think you need 1B. That's why these guys do business ventures on the side, even though they're already well off and some of them end up bankrupt or down cause of it. I've never seen anyone who was an addict that was truly happy. They just perpetually chase their addictions until they die or completely breakdown.

There have been studies done on this previously that show that once a person has enough money to cover all of their basic needs and a bit of play money, any additional subsequent money doesn't make them happier. Example, if you have 5M in the bank, having 15M doesn't increase your happiness. If you have 2K in the bank, having 2M would greatly increase your happiness.

The most valuable thing in life is time. It's the one thing that you can't buy no matter how rich you are. If you're already rich, the difference between what you have and a few more MIL is irrelevant in the grand scheme of life. There's no way to accurately tell if these couples are happy or not from just one photo. If they're still together in 10, 15 years then they were probably happy. If not, they were probably just gold diggers like the majority of women these days. That's how betas, fat and old guys get trophy wives. They're looking for that easy money. Same concept why so many women are so happy to let their guy hit it no protection, so they can get that kid and that check off his ass for child support. He's out working his ass off while she's eating ice cream on the couch and sexting some other idiot she's working on for another kid and subsequent check. I can't believe guys still fall for that stuff. A lot of guys that I went to high school with are already in that position. Smh.